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Authentic Aboriginal Designs

Rainbow Snake Black

Rainbow Snake by Peggy Brown shows vibrant rainbow coloured stripes with the Rainbow Snake superimposed. The Rainbow Snake is a common motif in Aboriginal arts in Australia. Dreamtime stories tell of the great spirits during creation, in animal and human form they moulded the barren and featureless earth. The Rainbow Snake came from beneath the ground and created huge ridges, mountains and gorges as it pushed upward. There are numerous stories associated with the snake, all of which communicate the significance and power of this being within Aboriginal traditions. The snake comes in male and female form. Yingarna, the female, is the original mother of creation, and her son Ngalyod is the great transformer of Land. The Rainbow Snake is one of the oldest religious symbols of Aboriginal Culture.
Sales price $ 24.00
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Tax amount $ 2.18

The Bush coconut or bloodwood apple, is an Australian bush tucker food, often eaten by Aborigines of Central Australia. The bush coconut is, in fact, a combination of plant and animal: an adult pores female scale insect, lives in a gall induced on a bloodwood eucalypt. It is in the size of an apple with a rough exterior, a small grub can be found inside after breaking the fruit open and is usually eaten. The white flesh is also eaten.

Audrey Martin Napanangka is a very good artist. She belongs to Yuendumu group of artists.  She beautifully depicted the bush coconut plants in a decorative manner. The best time to look for bush onion around April/May to pickup. Audrey Martin Napanangka was born in Yuendumu where bush coconuts grow abundantly.

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Dorrigo is a small town in north eastern NSW placed high on the Dorrigo Plateau around 740mtrs above sea level.

By supporting small towns you can help us recover from the many bush fires drought and the Pandemic.

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